Archív článkov

Daily walks

03.08.2016 02:53
My favourite place for our daily walks  

Junior BIS and BIS for Yogi

30.07.2016 02:48
Junior BEST IN SHOW and BEST IN SHOW Yogi aka JCh. Art Of Life Erbosedition did it again and won Junior BIS and BIS today at Regional Dog show in Povoda. Not bad for 13 months old boy!  

Summer time

23.07.2016 02:41
We love summer

IDS Oberwart

17.07.2016 02:37
Another BEST OF BREED for Yogi Back from IDS Oberwart and another Best of Breed for our crazy 13 months old Yogi aka JCh. Art Of Life Erbosedition! Many thanks to the judge Mr. Ferenc Gröschl.  


04.07.2016 02:28
We spent beautiful show weekend with the great friends in Veľká Ida Our 13 months old Yogi aka JCh. Art Of Life Erbosedition did very well. NDS - CAJC and BOB IDS - CAJC, BOB, shortlisted in JunBIG and next res. BEST IN GROUP! So proud of my little man  

Hips and elbows

15.06.2016 00:00
Health results - hips, elbows   Sooo happy! Yogi aka JCh. Art of Life Erbosedition is HD A/A and ED 0/0 Rossie aka JCh. A Desert Rose Erbosedition is HD A/A and ED 0/0  

Balu is Juniorchampion of Slovenia

29.05.2016 02:00
Balu is a new Juniorchampion of Slovenia We are very proud and happy, our Aston Martin Erbosedition aka Balu won again Junior BOB and BOB. At 12 dog shows in last few months young Balu won: 12 x Junior BOB 12 x BOB 1 x BOG 1 x RES.BOG 1 x shorted listed for Group IX 2 x shorted listed for Junior...

New Grand Champion at home

08.05.2016 21:56
Show weekend and new Grand Champion at home! NDS Lucenec 7.5.2016, judge Mr. Vladimir Piskay Lory - CAC and Slovakia Winner 2016 title JCh. Art Of Life of Erbosedition aka Yogi - CAJC, Slovakia Junior Winner 2016 title and BOB JCh. A Desert Rose Erbosedition aka Rossie - CAJC, Slovakia Junior...

Best in group and res. Best in group for Balu

07.05.2016 00:08
BEST IN GROUP and res. BEST IN GROUP for Balu 07.05.2016 CAC Brcko - JSRB.CH.JHR,CH. Aston Martin Erbosedition aka Balu was JBOB, BOB and BEST IN GROUP 08.05.2016 CAC Srebrenik - JSRB.CH.JHR,CH. Aston Martin Erbosedition aka Balu was JBOB, BOB and r. BEST IN GROUP and he is a NEW JUNIOR BIH...

Club Show Slovakia

01.05.2016 23:53
Club Show of Tibetan breeds in Raztocno/Slovakia   We spent a nice day at Club Show of Tibetan Breeds in Slovakia. Yogi aka Art of Life Erbosedition won Club Junior Winner title, JBOB, BOB and BIS 4 Rossie aka A Desert Rose Erbosedition won Club Junior Winner title and BOS Their mum Lory got...
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