Ako sú naučení denne chodiť von,mimo záhradu a dom, naši dospeláci, tak sa to rýchlo naučili aj naše šteniatka :-)
Our adults like to go out every day and pups love it too :-)
Máme šteniatka! 1.júna 2015 sa nám narodilo 6 krásnych šteniatok - 5 chlapcov a 1 sučka!
We have puppies! On June 1st 2015, 6 beautiful puppies were born - 5 boys and 1 girl
Více zde:
Cez víkend sme sa zúčastnili s mladučkou tibetskou dogou Tonya Gangkar víkendového výstavného maratónu. Krásna Tonya sa veľmi pekne predviedla a získala 2x VN1 v triede šteniat.
We got 2x very promising 1 from puppy class with beautiful young Do-Khyi girl Tonya Gangkar in Lucenec.
Dnes sme sa zúčastnili s Nikkem Klubovej výstavy Klubu tibetských plemien, kde Nikke vyhral BIS triedy šestnej.
Nikke aka C.I.B. Falamandus Nordic Vintage is BIS winner - honor class from our Club Show.
Yogi and Rossie at Crufts
Back at home from Crufts. Happy to met so many friends!
My babies did great job:
Yogi aka Art of Life Erbosedition was 4th (reserve) in Yearling class.
Rossie was shorlisted in huge Yearling (class of 17).
I'm very proud of them!
Yogi - RESERVE in Yearling
Our trip to USA with some shows
So proud of my Yogi aka EJW, JCh. Art of Life Erbosedition! He got 2x Best of Breed, Group 4 and 2x Best of Opposite Sex on his four shows in USA.
Little Brighton aka Brilliant Destiny of Erbosedition started his life with his great owner. Good luck to my...
Tibetan Breed Speciality
Yogi aka JCh. Art Of Life Erbosedition got CAC and Rossie aka JCh. A Desert Rose Erbosedition got CAC with BOS, not bed for the age 16 months!
JCh, EJW. Art Of Life Erbosedition
JCh. A Desert Rose Erbosedition
Bundessieger and Middle-East European winner shows
We had great show weekend with the friends in Tulln.
Art Of Life Erbosedition aka Yogi is Bundesjugendsieger and a new Junior Champion of Austria
A Desert Rose Erbosedition aka Rossie is Middle East European Junior Winner
Love them both to...
Euro dogshow in Brussel is over and I must only say, I'm so HAPPY breeder and owner!
Our Yogi aka JCh. ART OF LIFE Erbosedition is a new EUROPEAN JUNIOR WINNER, JUNIOR BOB and JuniorBIG shortlisted!
Máme šteniatka! 22.augusta 2016 sa nám narodilo 8 krásnych šteniatok - 6 chlapcov a 2 sučky!
We have puppies! On August 22th 2016, 8 beautiful puppies were born - 6 boys and 2 girls!
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